5 Keys To Overcoming Emotional Suffering

The first thing we need to do to overcome emotional suffering is to know how to recognize and accept it.

5 Keys to Overcoming Emotional Suffering

In order to overcome emotional suffering and to be able to look to the future with confidence again, we must first recognize what our problem is and what we can do about it. Only then can we seek help to get out of this situation.

Everyone knows emotional suffering!

Everyone has had experiences at some point that caused us great emotional distress. But is there a way to overcome the emotional suffering that turns our emotions gray and darkens the future?

Every time we suffer, we only hear sentences like “You will see it all go away”, “You will be fine”, “Come on, don’t cry”. However, this does not help.

Today we give you 5 keys to overcoming emotional suffering . These 5 keys are not to escape or ignore suffering, but to look at it in the best possible way, to accept it and to solve it.

These are the 5 keys:

overcome emotional suffering

Tell me when you feel bad!

What if we suffer but someone asks how we are? We usually lie, say everything is fine, and sometimes we even add “as always”. However, in order to overcome emotional pain, we need to be sincere.

Nothing happens when we acknowledge that we are having a bad time, that we are not at the best of our lives, and that we are in pain. You might think that such a statement is just asking for pity and that’s why we don’t like to admit our emotional suffering.

However, if we are honest with others and say how we really feel, we can also recognize our suffering for ourselves, not deny it and much less ignore it. So instead of avoiding emotions, we should embrace them.

Get to the bottom of the cause

Our suffering can have an origin that does not show itself to us at first. What was the stimulus that triggered this emotion? How did we feel What answer did we have?

Let us take the time we need to analyze what is happening to us, to remove layer by layer from our suffering when we find the source of it. Perhaps it is the result of childhood trauma or a loss that has not been overcome?

Woman has emotional suffering and looks at it in the mirror

Give yourself courage

When we overcome emotional suffering and look back, we realize how badly we have treated ourselves. We say to ourselves things like “you are worthless”, “someone else is worse off than you”, “stop complaining”, “you are stupid”.

These sentences don’t help, but at this moment we are very critical of ourselves. Instead of encouraging us to move forward, this puts us in a cycle of despair, fear, and greater suffering.

Because of this, it is important that we take care of ourselves and treat ourselves with affection. What do we say to others when they are having a bad time? We offer words of encouragement, right? Well, we should do that to ourselves too.

emotional suffering of a woman

Do not neglect your fellow human beings!

Sometimes when we are having a bad time we want to be alone or be left alone. Even if we focus too much on our suffering, it is important that we are aware of those who do not forsake us.

People who are by our side, who are already doing a lot with their presence, who are there when we fall to stretch their hands so that we can take them and stand up. We value these people who are there, even if they do not understand us at all.

Woman on sofa has emotional distress

Go to the psychologist

Many people hesitate to go to a psychologist. They believe that to overcome emotional distress all they need is what they know or can learn for themselves. Maybe inside you have a negative opinion about what it means to go to a psychologist.

A psychologist is a teacher who, in this case, gives us the tools necessary to overcome emotional suffering. We feel accompanied, understood and can see the situation from different perspectives.

When we go to the psychologist, we can feel that we are breathing fresh air, that we are coming out and that everything will be fine again, even if it is a relatively long process.

Emotional suffering does not have to become a burden that is so attached to us that we identify with it. You can go through this suffering, overcome it, and move on. Have you ever tried to overcome emotional suffering for yourself? Did any of these 5 keys help you?

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