Breakfast For The Brain: The Best 5 Ingredients

Breakfast for the brain: the best 5 ingredients

The energy stores are empty in the morning, so when you have breakfast you have to fill them up again before you can start the day.

Anyone who depends on good thinking skills during the day can ensure that the brain is well looked after at breakfast . We present the five best foods to go with it.


Complex carbohydrates

Our brain needs sugar. And this does not mean the sugar from candy or chocolate, but rather the sugar that slowly goes into the blood. They are also called “complex carbohydrates”. They are found in all grain products.

Whole grain products are particularly good because they release sugar into the blood very slowly but continuously. The brain is thus supplied with important fuel over the long term. Whole grain bread or muesli are a good basis for a breakfast that is also good for the brain!

Oatmeal contains magnesium and a healthy fatty acid ratio. Those who choose oatmeal instead of bread protect themselves effectively against the negative effects of stress due to the increased magnesium content!



Lecithin is an important part of our cell membrane. The fat-like substance causes nerve cells to regenerate more easily and the transmission of signals between the brain cells improves.

In addition, lecithin is converted into acetylcholine, the most important messenger substance in the nervous system. Vegetable lecithin is particularly found in soy. Soy products are rich in easily digestible protein, iron, magnesium and zinc.

They also contain vitamins B1, B2 and B6. A muesli made from oat flakes with soy milk or soy yoghurt or a shake with silken tofu optimally combines both positive foods and ensures good thinking.


The typical “trail mix” contains nuts. But why? Because there is plenty of choline in nuts. The B vitamin is the preliminary stage for the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine (keyword: soy!) – a guarantee for full concentration.

In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, many nuts also contain the amino acid isoleucine, which also increases the ability to think. Please only use unroasted and unsalted nuts. If nuts are heated by roasting, they no longer contain all of the active ingredients.

Put a small handful of nuts over the oatmeal with soy milk and breakfast just keeps getting perfect!



That’s right, fruit always belongs in a good muesli. And a piece of fruit belongs to a good breakfast anyway. Not only is the banana available all year round, it is also ideal for preparing our brains for the day’s tasks. 

Bananas contain a lot of the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the brain. This “happiness hormone” is often in short supply in the darker months of the year and helps overcome mental blocks.

By the way: the body can also produce the happiness hormone serotonin itself from complex carbohydrates (keyword: whole grain products, oatmeal). Banana also ensures that a certain boost of energy / sugar reaches the brain quickly and virtually “kisses it awake”.

Bananas also contain important minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. Aren’t these convincing arguments in favor of oatmeal with a soy milk product, banana and nuts?

Green tea

Tea – breakfast for the brain

Now that it has been clarified which food we use to support our brain at breakfast, we still have to take care of the drinks. Coffee, tea, water or juice? A glass of water to start the day is always recommended.

The glass of juice only replaces the portion of fruit, which is already covered by the banana in the muesli. So all that remains is the decision: coffee or tea? Well the answer is simple: tea! And that is green tea.

It contains active ingredients that support an enzyme that prevents memory loss in the brain.

After about four to six hours, your breakfast is digested and it’s not just your brain that needs replenishment.

The knowledge that you have gained in this article when putting together a breakfast that is optimal for your mental performance will help you to put together your lunch and dinner with “brain food” correctly.

Lecithin is not only found in soy, but also in other legumes. Not all of them taste good with breakfast – or do you like bean stew in the early morning? So how about a pea or lentil stew for lunch?

Add a piece of wholemeal bread or a whole grain bread with nuts and your brain has also received the best support for lunch. A green tea instead of coffee wakes you up and ensures a good memory.

And when you enjoy a banana shake with a soy product with your wholemeal bread in the evening, the excuse for nuts in front of the TV is already ready: your brain needs food!

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