5 Home Remedies That Can Help Against Stomach Pain

If stomach pain persists, a doctor should always clarify the cause

5 home remedies that can help relieve stomach pain

Stomach pain can be excruciating. Often they sting so much that you can hardly or hardly want to walk upright. Sometimes they also feel more “sore” or “dull”. There are home remedies that can help relieve stomach pain.

Where does stomach pain come from?

Unclear stomach pain that persists over a long period of time should definitely be examined by a doctor! Possible causes could be:

  • stress
  • Too much acid in the stomach
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Inflammation of the stomach lining
  • Flatulence
  • Bloating
  • Medication
stomach pain

Tactics for stomach pain

When we are under high tension and chase from one appointment to the next, or are under extraordinary psychological stress  , the body releases more stress hormones.

Our sensitive gastrointestinal tract can react irritably to this. The result: stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea or heartburn.

So it literally hits us in the stomach. Try to consciously reduce stress so that you do not suffer from stomach pain for the long term!

If too much acid is produced in the stomach, it can irritate the lining of the stomach. The balance is no longer right and our stomach sounds the alarm.

Food that is too fatty or spicy stimulates gastric acid production, but stress can also be a trigger. Therefore, you should be careful to eat less fat and spicy spices if you experience these problems.

However, alcohol and cigarettes can also be to blame for too much stomach acid. And that is definitely unhealthy!

Stomach ulcer


The scientific name of gastric mucosal inflammation is gastritis, this is one and the same, although these two terms are colloquially used separately from each other.

The causes of acute gastritis are stress, shock, too much alcohol or nicotine. Some pain relievers also cause gastritis, but food poisoning can also be responsible for acute gastric mucosal inflammation.

There is little that can be done about food poisoning, but we can do about the other causes! So it’s up to you!

If your stomach is squeezing and gas is bothering you, then there is probably nothing to worry about. Your stomach just can’t handle what you gave it.

If the flatulence persists or keeps coming back, it could be a source of food intolerance, for example . Fructose, lactose or gluten could trigger gas and stomach pain and you should consult your doctor.

The stomach squeezes and feels like it’s going to burst? Do you have to burp and have pressure on your stomach? The feeling of fullness often arises when people eat too quickly and too hastily.

Food ends up badly chopped up in the stomach and with it large amounts of air that you have swallowed with your hectic rush. Remedy: Take your time to eat, chew thoroughly and be careful not to swallow any air!

stomach pain

What can be done against stomach pain?

Important: do not take any non-prescribed pain relievers! Some medications, especially over-the-counter pain relievers, have poor stomach tolerances.

They irritate the lining of the stomach and lead to stomach pain. If dosed incorrectly, they can even lead to gastric bleeding!

So it is fundamentally wrong to take pain pills for stomach pain, because they can usually only make the problem worse! Try our simple tips and home remedies:

Hot water bottle for stomach pain

Grandma’s hot water bottle has not had its day! Under a blanket with the hot water bottle on your stomach, not only you relax, but also your stomach. Cramps can be released and digestion can go on relaxed. The gas and stomach ache may go away.

Off to the bathtub

If you have a bathtub, you’re in luck and can put grandma’s hot water bottle in bed first. Get a hot, relaxing bath.

During the bath, gently massage your aching stomach with gentle movements to get your digestion going again and to expel gases from your digestive tract.



An intense peppermint tea can help relieve an upset stomach. The menthol in peppermint relaxes the muscles so that they can work normally again.

It is important to take the menthol as fresh and concentrated as possible. It is easily soluble in water, which is why a tea made from plenty of fresh peppermint leaves helps well.

If you don’t have fresh mint ready, a few drops of concentrated essential mint oil or menthol can also help. Dissolved directly in a little water or dripped onto your tongue, it quickly gets into your digestive tract and can help you.

Fennel tea

Anise, ginger, caraway, fennel

The essential oils of these medicinal plants are very volatile and difficult to bind in water. So if you prepare a hot tea from it, most of the valuable essential oils have already evaporated before the tea is drinking temperature.

So if you want to use fennel, anise, caraway or ginger to relieve your upset stomach, you should eat them raw and not heated in water.

Ginger can be enjoyed candied as a snack or bought raw in cubes. The dried seeds of caraway, anise and fennel are just as easy to chew.

Chew the seeds well before swallowing them! This releases their effective essential oils, which then unfold their beneficial effects in the stomach!


No alcohol, coffee, nicotine

The more alcohol is served with the meal (beer, wine, schnapps, …), the more sluggish digestion. The reason: Alcohol relaxes the muscles in the stomach walls, making them less powerful in their pumping movements, which contribute to digestion.

The relaxed muscles spread a comfortably warm gut feeling, but digestion itself is significantly slowed down.

The stone in the stomach stays longer, you feel over-saturated longer than without alcohol. In addition, alcohol can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining.

When the coffee beans are roasted, acids are formed that can additionally irritate the gastric mucosa.

Smoking promotes the production of stomach acid at night. Not exactly beneficial for stomach pains …

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