The Right Diet For Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Diet is part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. In addition to physical activity and medication prescribed by a doctor, it plays an essential role in successfully controlling blood sugar levels in this metabolic disease.

Proper nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus  is a chronic disease, but it can be controlled very well with the right diet, exercise, and medication. Diabetes patients should not only rely on drug therapy, but should strictly adhere to some specific dietary recommendations.

In most cases, diabetes occurs as a result of insulin resistance due to poor diet and lack of exercise. People who are overweight (belly fat) or obese are particularly at risk. However, non-influencing factors such as age, heredity or hormonal diseases also play an important role. 

Today you can find out interesting facts about the right diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Proper nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus

As mentioned earlier, diet is one of the most important pillars in treating this metabolic disease. It’s not just about weight loss, but specifically about controlling blood sugar levels to prevent future complications.

It should be noted that type 2 diabetes mellitus changes the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

The first thing to do is to  limit your calorie intake in order to achieve a healthy weight. In addition, dividing the main meals into several, smaller portions is very important. The Fundación Española del Corazón (Spanish Heart Foundation) recommends 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks each.

Set meal times

Regular eating times are very important in order to consistently achieve normal blood sugar levels. You can use it to prevent hypoglycemia.

In some cases, when there are complicated blood sugar changes, an additional serving is necessary at night.

Diabetes mellitus and nutrition
Regulated meal times are very important for diabetics and they should strictly adhere to them.

Be careful with carbohydrates in diabetes mellitus

It is particularly important to pay attention to the type of carbohydrates in order to be able to control the blood sugar level. Because they decide over 50 percent of the  glycemic response.

Whole grains, legumes, and tubers should be among the preferred carbohydrates for diabetes mellitus. Not only do they contain a high percentage of starch, they also provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber. The ideal proportion is a quarter of the plate.

It is also important to choose the right types of fruit that should have a low glycemic index. If possible, opt for organic fruit so that you can also eat the peel, which is high in fiber.

Avoid hypoglycemia

As already mentioned, type 2 diabetes mellitus can lead to hypoglycaemia at any time. Therefore, it is advisable to always have fruit or something sweet on hand in order to be prepared for it. If your blood sugar level drops, you can resort to it.

Diabetics also have to calculate their total daily amount of energy in the form of carbohydrates in order to be able to keep the blood sugar level as constant as possible. It’s best to get help from a nutritionist. 

Foods that are recommended for type 2 diabetes mellitus:

In addition to the recommendations already mentioned, you can include the following foods in your diet:

  • Vegetables:  Half of the plate should consist of vegetables!
  • Dairy products:  Opt for unsweetened dairy products, preferably the low-fat version.
  • Lean meat,  eggs, and cheese
  • Seeds,  dried fruits and oil
  • Canned food without sugar
  • Jam and desserts  with the permitted sweeteners

Fluid supply

The supply of fluids is also essential for diabetics. Many people affected suffer from polyuria (abnormally increased urine excretion),  so they have to drink enough water during the day. 

Other sugar-free drinks such as tea, mate or coffee are also allowed. If desired, they can be sweetened with permitted sweeteners. In exceptional cases, those affected can drink fruit juices diluted with a little water.

Diabetes mellitus and nutrition
Adequate water is essential for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What should you avoid in type 2 diabetes mellitus?

  • Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages have a strong hypoglycemic effect, especially when consumed alone without food.
  • Tobacco:  Smoking is known to be harmful to everyone, but in diabetics the changes in the blood and blood vessels can have serious long-term consequences.
  • Too much salt: Remember, it can increase blood pressure. You should therefore use it sparingly.

A specific nutrition plan is essential

People with type 2 diabetes mellitus should adhere to a specially developed nutrition plan. Otherwise, it is very difficult to control metabolism, even when people are taking hypoglycemic drugs. In many cases, diet is the only therapeutic measure in addition to regular exercise.

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