Film Experiment: This Is What Happens When You Do Without Alcohol And Sugar For A Month

Everyone should be aware that alcohol and sugar are harmful to our bodies. This film proves how good it is to do without it completely

Film experiment: This is what happens when you go without alcohol and sugar for a month

The producers of LifeHunters want to know what happens if you consistently avoid all artificial E-numbers, added sugar and alcohol for a month .

They accompanied a young Dutchman, Sacha Harland, with the camera and then published the result on YouTube with the title “Guy gives up added sugar and alcohol for 1 month”.


How does alcohol work?

Alcohol itself is a cell poison that is broken down by the liver and has its known effect very quickly in the brain.

In addition, alcohol removes magnesium from the body. And not only from the blood, but also from the body cells. In addition , alcohol consumption leads to the loss of other important electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and calcium, which are excreted through the increased urge to urinate.

The result: the body dries out and the central nervous system is disturbed. In addition, the liver has to work hard to break down the cytotoxic alcohol. If you do without alcohol, you are only doing your body good!


How does sugar work?

Sugar leads to a rapid increase in the blood sugar level, which is answered with a release of insulin from the pancreas.

The insulin is used to transport nutrients from food into the cells. So you can think of it as a “nutrient taxi”.

Too frequent release of insulin means that the cells need more and more insulin in order to open their “locks” for the nutrients from the blood.

This condition is called “insulin resistance” and it then leads to type II diabetes. As we know from research , a diet rich in sugar also leads to altered intestinal flora, which sends signals to the brain via the central nervous system for “more sugar”.

A kind of dependency arises. In the first few days, renouncing sugar leads to a kind of “withdrawal” with increased “sweetness” until a new intestinal flora has developed that no longer specializes in the utilization of sugar and sends other signals to the brain.

The starting point

A young man was chosen as the “guinea pig” who drank alcohol moderately, ate conventional, mainly industrially produced foods and had a normal body weight.

There was actually no reason for him to forego sugar and alcohol and artificial E-numbers.

At the beginning of the experiment, Sascha and the film team went to a sports doctor who examined him “through its paces”. His blood pressure was measured, heart, lungs, fitness and blood values ​​were tested and documented.

processed foods

Hidden sugar

It quickly becomes clear: sugar and sugar products such as glucose syrup, fructose syrup, maltodextrin, milk sugar, sweet whey powder and more are found in almost all industrially produced foods.

No matter what product you look at: Sugar is everywhere! This is followed by the realization that only unprocessed, fresh foods do not contain any critical additions of sugar or artificial E numbers.

From now on, Sascha buys a lot of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products and prepares his meals fresh because he also has to do without ready meals, “fixed spices” and convenience products.

The selection of drinks is also quite clear if you do without sugar and artificial E-numbers. Usually only water remains on the way, whereas tea, fresh juice and coffee are possible at home.


The first 4 days without sugar and alcohol

At first it was difficult to avoid all those foods that were now banned. At the beginning of the experiment, Sascha was more hungry than usual, craving for sweets, was more irritable.

For breakfast he therefore ate a lot of fruit and drank juice to satisfy his “sweet tooth”. Sascha found out from a nutritionist that he should hold out because he was going through a kind of “withdrawal”.


Success for the next few weeks without sugar and alcohol

After two weeks Sascha had no more cravings for sweets and his feeling of hunger disappeared.

He felt energetic, fitter and began to eat oatmeal instead of sweet fruit in the morning because the “sweet tooth” had disappeared and he no longer had to satisfy him with tons of fruit.

After a month he went back to the examinations of the sports medicine and is not really surprised by the results:

  • His weight dropped by 4.5 kg from 81.7 kg to 77.2 kg
  • The body fat percentage fell from a healthy 15.5% to an even healthier 14.2%
  • His blood pressure dropped from 135/75 to 125/75
  • Cholesterol levels decreased by 8%

A young man who was neither sick nor overweight before the experiment could only impressively improve his body composition and health values ​​by avoiding sugar, alcohol and artificial E-numbers!

Watch the movie:

How effective would that be for people who really suffer from diseases and ailments caused by obesity and unhealthy diet … ?! Try it yourself!

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