8 Excellent Exercises To Gain Strength

Muscle strength is very important for many everyday tasks. Today we will show you various very simple exercises with which you can build your muscles. 

8 excellent exercises to help you gain strength

Have you been to the fitness center for a while because you wanted to lose weight or gain more aerobic resistance, but found yourself lacking strength ?

Do you find it difficult to carry your shopping bags or your child? Or do you have problems opening a glass jar?

It’s not about building a bodybuilder’s body and lifting 200kg,  but about being able to perform daily activities with ease and ease.

In today’s article you will find various tips and exercises to regain strength. Do you want to train your body?

Steps to Gain More Strength

If you want to regain your strength, you have to consider three key points:


Man strength

Regular training is one of the most important points. This must be complete and include cardiovascular exercises  (for example, running).

The exercise routine must also include strength exercises to strengthen the muscles.

However, you shouldn’t do the same exercises over and over, because over time your muscles get used to them and stop working the way you want them to.

You shouldn’t just train specific muscles, but opt ​​for a complete workout.

To achieve more strengthyou should create a training plan that repeats itself after several days. For example: training biceps, triceps and chest muscles on the first day; on the second day training of the legs, back and abdominal muscles, etc.


Diet is also essential for gaining more strength. Remember that your muscles need fuel to function properly.

The right nutrients provide energy. It is recommended to consume 1 g of protein per kilo of body weight. Protein-rich foods are therefore important if you want to develop your muscle strength.

In addition, you should consume 500 more calories each day than necessary (which you then burn through exercising) so that the muscles have sufficient energy available.

Don’t forget to eat a balanced, healthy diet that contains enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Fruit, vegetables and lean meat should not be missing.

night rest


A good night’s sleep is also very important in order to gain more strength. Did you know that when you relax, your muscles work harder?

This is  because the exercise inflicts tiny injuries or overstrains the muscles. This is why the muscles need enough sleep to be able to regenerate. Through this process, you can build your muscle mass.

This is also the case if you allow several hours to pass between workouts. Of course, you’re not in the fitness center all day and you can’t work out every day. Allow your body to recover from exercising before starting again.

The best exercises for more strength

As mentioned before, you have to do different exercises in order to get more strength. We recommend the following training:


Classic squats are excellent for building strength and muscle mass in the lower body.

There are several types of squats: 

Front squats are used to train the quadriceps, with classic squats in particular the hamstring muscles.

Not only can the hamstrings and leg extensions be trained, the abdominal and back muscles also benefit from it. The squats also stimulate the production of growth hormone.

Weight training


It can be used to train a wide variety of muscles and the body in general.

The workout begins on a bar with no weights, then weights are slowly added. It is strength training that particularly challenges the shoulders.

Rowing with dumbbells

You can use it to strengthen your arms, back and shoulders. In addition, this exercise is good for improving the spine stability.

The back muscles, rhombus muscles and trapezius muscles are also trained with it. Use a small dumbbell and support your outstretched arm on a bench. Bend your elbow and bring the dumbbell towards your face.

Bend arms

Woman exercises

The push-ups are perfect for strengthening the muscles of the upper body and at the same time the legs. Are most so that the shoulders and arms training. 

Get into the quadruped position and then support yourself with your hands a little further than shoulder width, the arms are straight. The upper body and head should form a straight line.

The tips of your toes form the second support point. Now bend your elbows and lower your body down. Remain in this position for a moment and then go back to the starting position.


This exercise will help you strengthen your legs, improve balance and flexibility in your  hips, while also gaining more stability. 

You stand hip-width apart with a straight back and then put one leg backwards with a large step. Now bend your front knee and bring your back leg towards the floor.

As soon as you have reached the lowest point, go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Do not forget to keep your upper body straight during the exercise and do not make a hollow back!

How can you get more strength in your hands?

Strong wrists and fingers are very useful in everyday life. The following exercises can help you:

Lifting objects

For example, you can pick up a water bottle while watching TV and use it to raise and lower your arm.

Exercise with an elastic band



Use an elastic band around both wrists, trying to keep them apart for as long and as far as possible.

Finger movements

Typing on the keyboard is not one of the finger exercises! If you want to strengthen your fingers, you stretch your arms and make a variety of movements with your fingers.

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