Find Your Self And Fight The Emotional Emptiness

Healthy self-love is very important to avoid emotional emptiness. Take care of yourself and enjoy the present!

Find yourself and fight the emotional emptiness

Few states of mind are as crippling as emotional emptiness. In psychology, emptiness is defined as suffering, discomfort, and deep sadness.

Most of the time, one thinks of relationship crises, but this mental state goes far beyond that.

Personal frustration, the pain of an unhappy childhood, failure or stress and anxiety can also lead to emotional emptiness, in which case you lose yourself through intense dissatisfaction.

Then there are 5 techniques to find yourself again. Because as soon as you regain your own essence, you can also  heal the emotional emptiness .

Read on because you are worth it.

1. The emotional emptiness: Lose the fear of being alone

The emotional emptiness is directly related to the feeling of loneliness. In most cases this sensation is very painful; the person concerned feels alone, misunderstood and unsecured.

Some examples of the relationship between loneliness and emotional emptiness are:

  • You have a life partner, but you still feel deep loneliness, incomprehension and are unhappy.
  • You feel that people around you do not support you.
  • And you never had a strong and happy bond with your parents or your family.

Many of these personal problems lead to dissatisfaction, in which feelings of loneliness are mixed with being lost.

  • One form of healing is to find oneself again.
  • The true love of your life, your best companion is only yourself. Nobody deserves as much respect, attention, care and affection as you can give yourself.
  • Learn to understand that those who cannot enjoy being alone are looking for in others what they cannot find in themselves.

    2. Let the pain go to fill the void

    Emotional emptiness is not a lack, but an unhealed wound, a heavy, crushing burden.

    • You have to learn to understand that something you already have cannot be missing. You are a complete and perfect person who has all the strategies to take the step to wellbeing. And you just have to find yourself. Listen to your insides!
    • Know what is bothering you, who is harming you, who is making you unhappy.
    • Become aware of what you don’t like (insecurity, fears, obsessions, etc.).

    As soon as you find the shadow of yourself, you should dare to take the step. Let go of the pain, what hurts you and what feeds your emotional emptiness.


    3. Turn off the mental noise

    Your self is surrounded by a dense and complex mental noise that prevents you from moving forward. Your freedom and your authentic essence are bounded by walls.

    • The mental noise is expressed by thoughts like “I can’t”, “Now I am unable”, “If I do this, I will disappoint my fellow human beings” and so on.
    • Switch off this unbearable noise and trust in yourself! You come first, so you can gain freedom and fill your emotional emptiness with self-esteem, light and self-confidence.

      4. You don’t need someone to give flowers to your soul

      Do you wait half your life for someone to fill your emptiness, give your soul flowers and take you by the hand to lead you to happiness and well-being?

      This romantic view is unhealthy. Nobody has to fill your emptiness and save you. Only you yourself are responsible and have to nourish your soul.

      Work on your happiness every day. Plant the flowers in your soul yourself, be the person you would like to find. This is how you can prevent emotional emptiness.


      5. Take care of your body

      In order to feel good, you not only have to control your thoughts and behavior, a positive, realistic and courageous attitude is the best strategy against emotional emptiness.

      Body and mind are closely related, so you need to take care of both accordingly:

      • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
      • Make sure you have regular eating and sleeping habits.
      • Drink enough water.
      • Also, walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
      • Relaxation exercises or yoga are also very enriching.
      • Eat enough fruits and vegetables.
      • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice.
      • Never forget to have breakfast.
      • Keep the 5 meals a day and also make sure that the servings are small.

      Enjoy the here and now with all your senses: every meal, every walk, every activity. Don’t look back or worry about the future. It will come by itself, but it doesn’t exist yet.

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