Does Sugar Improve Mental Performance?

Although sugar is the most important fuel for the brain, no exogenous intake of this product is necessary to guarantee the correct functioning of our cognitive abilities. Find out more about this in today’s article. 

Does Sugar Improve Mental Performance?

Dextrose is a classic aid for a quick burst of energy that is supposed to improve our mental performance. But recent studies are questioning sugar for better performance. We know that the organism itself has efficient mechanisms to continuously supply the brain with glucose, even when we are not consuming sugar.

The brain depends on the continuous supply of glucose, which it receives from the bloodstream, in order to remain efficient. It is therefore in competition with the other organs of the body to obtain the necessary amounts of glucose. The following mechanisms are used:

  • The glucose is in the blood and gets into the brain,
  • however, the amount of glucose for the rest of the body’s cells is restricted.

    When blood glucose levels decrease as exogenous uptake is decreased,  other mechanisms come into play to supply the brain with this important nutrient. 

    Gluconeogenesis , i.e. the formation of D-glucose from organic non-carbohydrate precursors , is particularly important This process is very efficient and makes it possible to keep the blood sugar level constant, even during a fasting period or when carbohydrates are not constantly consumed.

    mental performance

    Sugar Consumption, Mental Performance, and Memory

    Various studies associate sugar consumption with improved memory performance in the short term. Mostly it is about the consumption of sugary drinks, which have shown that intensive memory performance improves through the higher glucose level.

    Until recently, experts assumed that the brain functions optimally with 25 g of glucose in the blood. That’s roughly the amount in a banana. However, recent studies show that people with better glucose tolerance do better in terms of memory performance. 

    This is fundamental in the case of diabetics  who develop insulin resistance that prevents good glucose tolerance. The organism therefore has very efficient mechanisms for obtaining glucose from proteins and fatty acids in order to keep the blood sugar level constant. This ensures that the brain is properly supplied with glucose, which in turn enables good cognitive performance.

    In addition, it is also clear  that proper hydration plays an important role in cognitive abilities. People who do not drink enough water get poorer results on assessments of their memory, concentration, attention, and other cognitive skills.

    Is refined sugar less healthy than complex carbohydrates?

    Some publications assume that the consumption of white sugar leads to short-term postpandrial memory loss (after eating). In addition, ingestion is also associated with cognitive decline and complex diseases.

    In addition, the incidence of ADHD is believed to be greater in  adolescents on high-fat and high-sugar diets compared to those on healthy eating. 

    Foods that improve mental performance

    Simple sugars can be detrimental to cognitive function, but there are other nutrients that can do just the opposite. For example, caffeine is a natural stimulant that promotes brain health.

    Coffee improves mental performance

    Nitrites, which are found in foods such as beetroot, have a vasodilating effect and therefore improve blood flow to the brain. As a result, more nutrients reach the brain and cognitive performance improves.

    Vitamins such as vitamin C can also have  positive effects on brain performance and health. For example, vitamin C helps prevent cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients.

    Does Sugar Improve Mental Performance?

    While glucose is the most important fuel for the brain, it is not necessary to add it to the body for it to function properly. The body has mechanisms to efficiently obtain glucose in order to guarantee cognitive abilities.

    Rather, larger amounts of simple sugars are associated  with poorer cognitive capacities and the development of complex diseases. So it is better to consume foods with caffeine or nitrites, for example, to improve mental performance.

    So the answer to the question of whether  sugar improves mental performance is negative. It achieves exactly the opposite effect. 

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