Fortifying Diet For Flu

A strong immune system allows us to stay healthy in a dangerous world full of pathogens. Diet plays an essential role when it comes to strengthening our defenses and keeping infectious diseases away. Find out more about this topic today. 

Strengthening diet for flu

fortifying diet  builds up the immune system and can protect us against flu and other infectious diseases. That is why today we are presenting you with various foods that strengthen your immune system and are very important in prevention and treatment. Read on!

Fortifying diet for good health

Fortifying diet for good health
If you provide your body with essential micronutrients through diet, your immune system will function better.

Hippocrates already knew 25 centuries ago: “Your food should be your medicine and your medicine should be your food.” Many refer to him as the father of medicine and he knew very well that food has a huge impact on our health.

The food we eat during the day  can have a positive or negative effect on our health. Many micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), such as copper, folic acid, iron, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B6, C, D or zinc, are very important for a strong immune system.

Strengthening diet for flu

The body needs all resources to fight a disease, so  a fortifying diet is very important to provide it with the necessary nutrients. However, we are not talking about sumptuous dishes that are high in animal fats, nor are we talking about sausages, chewed snacks or other industrially manufactured products.

If you have the flu, you should opt for  light meals and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables,  because your body can digest them easily and they provide exactly those vital substances that it needs to fight the disease.

Which foods should you definitely include in your menu if you have flu?

1. Garlic

fortifying diet for flu: garlic
The antimicrobial properties of the white tuber help fight respiratory infections.

Garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties that are generally very beneficial to your health. The white tuber helps fight coughs, colds and sinusitis. However, fresh, raw garlic has many other benefits as well. You can consume 1 – 2 raw garlic cloves a day (for example in salads) to prevent infectious diseases.

2. Yogurt with probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that have many health benefits. Various scientific articles suggest that they could reduce the duration of the flu or cold. We therefore recommend that you eat unsweetened natural yogurt every day. Your immune system will be grateful for this support!

3. Fortifying diet with ginger

This sharp root is a traditional remedy that has expectorant effects and cleanses the respiratory system. Ginger contains phytochemicals that help fight viruses that can cause respiratory diseases.

4. Foods with zinc

This mineral strengthens the immune system and is therefore very important in the case of flu and in prevention.

Foods that are high in zinc support the immune system and help prevent infections. If you already have a cold,  zinc can help relieve symptoms and allow for a faster recovery. 

The following foods contain zinc and should therefore not be missing in your diet plan: Legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans …), pumpkin seeds, whole grains, nuts, beef and eggs.

5. Fortifying diet with honey

Data from the United States National Library of Medicine  shows that bee honey acts directly on the throat and has  expectorant and antiseptic properties. This natural product is therefore very useful in the prevention and treatment of infections that lead to sore throats.

More tips for a strengthening diet for flu

Enough liquid

More tips for a strengthening diet for flu 
You should drink plenty to make it easier to expel phlegm.

If you are already suffering from symptoms and are not hungry, you should take a lot of liquids in the form of fresh juices and soups, especially  in the first few days. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to drain mucus and moisturize your mucous membranes.

Strengthening diet with chicken broth

A study by the  University of Nebraska found  our grandmothers were right:  Chicken broth is good for your wellbeing because it moisturizes the throat area, soothes irritation and clears the airways. It also provides you with nutrients and there is scientific evidence of its anti-inflammatory effects.

Do not forget…

Consuming 75 mg of zinc daily is said to reduce the duration of a cold by 20 to 40%. So don’t forget to include foods containing zinc in your diet!

It is important to have a balanced diet and a lot of sleep! Exercise in moderation can also help you overcome an infectious disease faster.

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