8 Things You Can Do Every Day For Foot Health

In addition to proper care and hydration, it makes sense to go barefoot for at least a few minutes a day to encourage muscle stretching

8 things you can do every day for foot health

The feet are responsible for supporting our weight as we go about our daily chores. Therefore  foot health is very important.

Together with the legs, they allow us to get from one place to another. They support us and help us undertake a variety of activities that form part of our lives.

While they are so important, most of the time we neglect the feet until problems arise that affect our health.

Severe dehydration, fungi, corns and other changes can develop that are not only annoying but also look unattractive.

Some shoe materials are aggressive and uncomfortable. They can cause friction or injury, which can be quite painful.

Fortunately, there are many measures we can take every day to protect foot health and prevent discomfort.

You will then find the 8 best care tips that you can integrate into your personal care program to take care of your foot health.

1. Strengthening Exercises for Foot Health


Many exercise the body, but forget about the feet, which also need to be strengthened to stay healthy.

Your muscles tend to tense up and over time this can lead to a variety of ailments, such as hallux valgus and other health problems.

Fortunately, there are some strengthening exercises specifically designed for the feet that will relax your muscles while exercising them at the same time.

This includes:

  • Movement and bending of the toes.
  • Picking up a pencil with your toes.
  • Rolling up a towel with the sole of your foot.
  • Roll a tennis ball.
  • Walk on tiptoe.
  • Jumps out of a crouch.
  • Stand on your heels.

2. Use exfoliating products

Like the other parts of the body, the skin on the feet needs regular exfoliation to remove the dead skin cells.

This part of the body is exposed to dust, bacteria and many surfaces that can negatively affect the quality of the skin over time.

A peeling  removes dead skin cells and prevents unaesthetic calluses that tend to form on the toes and heels.

3. Baths with Epsom salt


Baths with Epsom salt and essential oils are excellent for caring for and protecting the feet. They have a relaxing effect and at the same time prevent the formation of infections and fungi.

Taking footbaths once or twice a week will reduce corn build-up, ease the removal of dead skin cells, and cleanse your feet thoroughly.

4. Use a foot health moisturizer

Extreme changes in temperature, uncomfortable shoes and dirt have a negative effect on the pH of the skin and can crack and irritate it.

Applying a moisturizing body cream daily is an easy way to soothe dry skin and improve elasticity. 

5. Enjoy a foot massage


After a long and tiring day at work, there is nothing like a foot massage to relieve tension and pain.  Use relaxing oils for this!

A daily massage stimulates blood circulation, refreshes the skin and reduces the risk of disease.

6. Elevate your legs

The feet and ankles are prone to swelling when we spend many hours in the same posture. Raise your legs up for 5 to 10 minutes each day to prevent discomfort and promote blood circulation.

7. Breathable shoes


Of course, closed shoes are often necessary, but make sure that they are breathable and comfortable.

Otherwise there is an increased risk of bacteria and fungi spreading. These can lead to bothersome infections and bad smells.

8. Walk barefoot for a few minutes

When you get home, take off your shoes for a few minutes. This will allow you to stretch your feet from heel to toe.

Walking barefoot reduces tension and activates the lower leg muscles to prevent future inflammation and suffering.

Are your feet getting the attention they need? Try to implement all of these recommendations and discover that they are very useful for your foot health.

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