8 Iodine-rich Foods To Protect The Thyroid Gland

iodine is essential for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland, as its disruption has a negative effect on our health. The thyroid gland needs minerals to synthesize the hormones. Metabolism, detoxification and growth are regulated by this. A lack of iodine leads to hypothyroidism, which means a decrease in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. This imbalance has serious consequences on our body, such as: B. Weight gain, exhaustion, or irregular menstrual cycles. In today’s report, we will explain to you which foods you can include in your diet in order to get the necessary amount of iodine and to guarantee protection of the thyroid gland.

8 foods rich in iodine to protect the thyroid gland

Iodine helps protect the thyroid gland and its normal functions. The thyroid regulates metabolism, detoxification, and growth. In addition, this butterfly-shaped gland needs minerals to synthesize hormones.

A lack of iodine leads to hypothyroidism, which means a decrease in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. This imbalance has serious consequences, such as weight gain, exhaustion or irregular menstrual cycles.

In today’s report, we’ll explain which foods you can include in your diet to get the amount of iodine you need and to help protect your thyroid .

Food to protect the thyroid gland

1. blueberries


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and are considered one of the most recommended types of fruit for our health. It is estimated that 113 g of blueberries contain up to 400 mcg of iodine.

Regular consumption stimulates the metabolism and regulates the thyroid functions, which is therefore highly beneficial for the protection of the thyroid gland.

Blueberries can be eaten fresh, pure, in salads or mixed drinks.

2. Natural yogurt

Natural yogurt is one of the most effective and healthiest natural probiotics around and should not be missing in your diet.

One yogurt pot contains over half the necessary daily amount of iodine  (about 90 mcg).

In addition, yogurt cultures are very helpful in restoring the intestinal flora that fends off viral diseases.

3. Himalayan salt

Many people are already trying to reduce their daily intake of conventional table salt and look for alternatives that are rich in iodine.

A healthy and complete alternative is Himalayan salt, as it is very rich in iodine and can cover the daily requirement.

However, here too, consumption should be kept in moderation, as too much of a good thing can have undesirable consequences.

4. Cod


Cod is rich in iodine, omega 3, vitamin E and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

This type of fish is low in fat and calories and is therefore a healthy alternative that should not be missing in the diet, especially to protect the thyroid gland.

85 g cod contain 99 mcg iodine, so that 66% of the daily requirement is covered, which supports the protection of the thyroid gland.

5. Strawberries

This delicious red fruit is very versatile and contains nutrients that strengthen the immune system.

Strawberries are helpful in protecting the thyroid because they contain iodine.

One cup of strawberries contains 13 mcg of iodine, about 10% of the daily requirement of an adult.

6. Green beans


Green beans are a very healthy vegetable and can be easily incorporated into any diet because they are versatile.

With regular consumption, our body receives a small amount of iodine, which can be very useful in activating various functions.

1/2 tase of green beans contains 3 mcg of iodine, which is about 2% of the daily requirement. In addition, these vegetables are  very high in fiber, which is of great benefit for intestinal health.

7. White beans

Any variety of beans is a very healthy source of nutrition that we should use.

White beans in particular are highly recommended for healthy thyroid protection because they contain iodine.

Half a cup contains 32 mcg of iodine and is also very low in calories. The fiber in white beans also promotes gastrointestinal health.

8. Potatoes


Potatoes are one of the most widely consumed foods around the world. What few people know is that they contain a lot of iodine.

1 unpeeled potato contains around 60 mcg iodine when cooked in the oven.

As you can see, these 8 foods are very helpful and healthy for providing the body with the necessary amount of iodine every day. This mineral is not produced by our body, so it has to be ingested through our diet.

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