8 Effective Home Remedies For Warts

Warts are mostly benign tumors, but they are unsightly and often annoying. There are numerous effective home remedies for warts. Learn more!

8 effective home remedies for warts

Warts are small epithelial growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This causes the cells to grow suddenly and quickly  and thus mostly benign tumors develop. These do not pose a health risk, but they are unsightly and often annoying. There are numerous effective home remedies for warts. Learn more about it!

The human papilloma virus is divided into 70 subgroups, which mostly only cause minor complaints. However, those who suffer from warts should note that this is an indication of a  weak immune system. This does not have the necessary defenses to fight the virus.

In today’s article, we’re going to introduce you to  8 effective home remedies for warts that are inexpensive  and produce excellent results when used consistently. Read on to learn about these remedies.

Effective home remedies for warts

1. Oregano oil

Effective home remedies for warts: oregano

Oregano oil is a very effective home remedy for warts, because it is characterized by the ability to fight the pathogens that lead to the skin lesion.

In addition, this oil strengthens the immune system and  has an analgesic and antifungal effect. In addition, oregano oil provides antioxidants that promote skin healing.

How do you use the oil?

  • Simply put three drops of it on the wart and cover it with a bandage or plaster. Use this treatment at least three times a day.

    2. Onion juice

    The onion is one of the natural antibiotics that are very helpful in the fight against various viruses. This tuber is also very useful for warts, as  it provides the skin with additional nutrients that promote regeneration.

    How do you use the onion?

    • You can rub a piece of onion on the affected area or apply onion juice with a little cotton wool.
    • This application must be carried out at least twice a day until the desired results are visible.

    3. Tea tree essential oil

    Effective home remedies for warts: tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil is one of the most popular remedies for infections and skin diseases. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial effects, which is  why it is also an excellent remedy for warts.

    How do you use the tea tree oil?

    • Apply 2-4 drops to the wart once a day.
    • You shouldn’t use more than that, as this could be too aggressive.

    4. Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera gel supplies the skin with moisture and keeps it young. But that’s not all:  Aloe also heals reddened skin, warts and various other pathologies.

    The antioxidants and essential nutrients it contains promote the elimination of small lumps and accelerate healing without scars.

    How do you use aloe vera?

    • Cut an aloe leaf lengthways and remove the gel. You apply this gel directly to the affected areas.
    • Repeat this treatment three times a day.

    5. Milk of green figs

    Effective home remedies for warts: fig milk

    The white, viscous milk that comes out when you harvest green figs is also an excellent remedy for fighting warts. The active ingredients contained therein fight the virus and accelerate the healing of the skin.

    How to use green fig milk

    • Simply apply a few drops of it to the wart.
    • Repeat this treatment three times a day.

    6. Garlic clove

    Garlic also has a strong antibiotic effect and has the ability  to eliminate harmful intestinal bacteria and other pathogens.

    If you consume garlic raw and apply it to the affected area, you can use it to remove the warts in a relatively short time.

    How do you use the garlic?

    • Press or crush a clove of garlic until a paste is formed. This is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
    • Secure with a bandage or plaster and leave to work overnight.
    • Repeat this treatment every day before bed.

    7. Potato juice

    Effective home remedies for warts: potato juice

    Potato juice is also a popular remedy used on dark circles and bags under the eyes because it is refreshing and anti-inflammatory.

    However, many do not know that the juice of potatoes is also  very helpful against warts and promotes healing of the skin.

    How do you use the potato juice?

    • Grate a raw potato and place the resulting paste on the wart before going to bed.
    • Secure with a bandage or plaster and leave to work overnight.
    • Use this treatment every day.

    8. Soda

    The astringent and antiseptic effects of this product  help to remove the dead skin cells  and also help with small skin growths.

    How do you use the baking soda?

    • Mix some baking soda with a few drops of water and apply the resulting paste to the wart.
    • Let it work until the paste dries.
    • Repeat the treatment every day.

    Effective home remedies for warts vary in success from person to person. The effectiveness of course also depends on the size and depth of the warts. However, you should know that the  results are not immediately visible and you will need patience and perseverance to remove the warts once and for all .

    However, if these alternatives don’t work, it is best to see a dermatologist who has other options available.

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