7 Water That Could Benefit Your Acid-base Household

To weaken the taste of baking soda, we can add a little lime juice, which makes the body alkaline and also provides us with vitamins

7 water that could benefit your acid-base balance

A balanced acid-base balance  is of great importance for general health and for prevention against various diseases.

Fluctuations in the pH value also lead to changes in the body: At a value below 7, according to specialist doctors, the body is acidic. 

This manifests itself in hypersensitivity of the nervous system and higher risk of disease. Daily tiredness can also result from an unbalanced acid-base balance .

For these reasons, we recommend that you pay attention to your diet and regularly drink the water presented here, because they will help you to stabilize your pH value.

1. Water with fresh mint for the  acid-base balance

Delicious and refreshing. The combination of water with mint is healthy and original, because it will make it much easier for you to drink the recommended daily amount of water.

Water is best drunk in small sips and at short intervals ; it is not advisable to pour the entire glass down in one go.

Mint water can do the following for you:

  • The leaves of the mint contain digestive enzymes.
  • Drinking mint water regularly then helps the body  better absorb nutrients from the food.
  • You can then use it to stabilize your pH in a simple and healthy way.
  • If you have swelling or flatulence, water with mint will also help.

2. Water with honey

Water honey

Drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey (25g) every morning, you will notice the health-promoting properties of this bee product after a few weeks:

  • Water with honey regulates the desire for sweets, fills you up and is  also a good supplement if you want to lose weight.
  • It helps reduce the arthritis pain. Honey is an excellent natural antibiotic that combats harmful substances and strengthens the immune system.
  • With regular consumption, inflammatory processes in the body are reduced.
  • Water with honey gives vitality and energy and at the same time helps us to stabilize the acid-base balance.

3. Lukewarm water with lime

A glass of water with the juice of half a lime or lemon, no sugar, no other additives … this drink on an empty stomach can do a lot for your health:

  • It is a very powerful alkaline remedy which then stabilizes your pH level.
  • It improves digestion  as well as the absorption of nutrients.
  • The water has a diuretic effect,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • improves breath and
  • It also provides energy and vitamins.

4. Water with apple cider vinegar

The taste may not be that pleasant, but the combination of water with apple cider vinegar (organic quality!) Is very healthy. You can get the following benefits from this:

  • Better digestion thanks to the malic and acetic acid. As you get older, digestion often becomes more difficult, especially when fewer gastric juices are produced. Again, apple cider vinegar and water can help. Then, 15 minutes after you eat, drink a glass of water with apple cider vinegar.
  • This combination also ensures a balanced acid-base balance and therefore promotes general health.

    5. Water with baking soda

    Baking soda

    If you drink a glass of water (200 ml) with 2 grams of baking soda and a little lemon juice three times a week, you are doing a lot for your health:

    • It is one of the best and most effective ways to improve acid-base balance.
    • This remedy is also supposed to prevent various tumors. There are no studies to confirm this assumption , but baking soda is known to have excellent properties.
    • This drink supports the kidneys  in cleansing the blood and also improves functionality.
    • It also aids digestion.

      6. Water with cinnamon

      A glass of water with 3 grams of cinnamon will help lower blood sugar levels.

      For example, you can have a tea with cinnamon with a little honey in the morning. You will love this drink! Another good idea is to fill a water bottle with 1.5 liters of water and then add a stick of cinnamon.

      7. Water with cloves


      You can find cloves in any health food store or in the supermarket. It is an excellent spice for a wide variety of recipes. Cloves are also highly recommended for health:

      • Cloves regulate the sugar level,
      • have a pain-numbing effect,
      • antibacterial,
      • aphrodisiac,
      • stimulating and
      • antispasmodic.

      To take advantage of the excellent properties of this spice, you can put 5 cloves in a bottle with 1.5 liters of water.

      With these different alternatives you will taste better water and at the same time you can do something for your acid-base balance. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about a healthy, balanced diet!

      Which alternative will you choose? It’s best to try them all!

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