6 Pieces Of Advice On How To Prevent Osteoarthritis

Since osteoarthritis can pose serious problems for our health, it is advisable to take measures to prevent the disease from occurring, or at least for as long possible delay.

6 tips on how to prevent osteoarthritis

Do you want to prevent osteoarthritis ? It is a degenerative disease of the bone system that affects men and women alike. It usually occurs in people of advanced age. It is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage and the adjacent bone.

This regression of the cartilage usually manifests itself between the ages of 50 and 55, when distinctive features appear for the first time.

  • Cartilage is made up of collagen and its primary function is to keep bones from rubbing together.
  • When this cartilage recedes or disappears entirely, pain occurs due to the friction. This is the main cause of inflammation and deformation in the joints.

When this condition becomes chronic, it can severely limit the mobility of the person suffering from it, so timely treatment is essential. In this respect  , pain or crunching in the joints should not be taken lightly, because it is better to be safe than sorry.

How do I know if I have osteoarthritis?

Although a condition may be difficult to spot in younger people, in most cases the symptoms of osteoarthritis start in specific joints that we should pay special attention to:

  • Hands and fingers
  • Lumbar region
  • hip
  • knee
  • Elbow

Tips on how to prevent osteoarthritis

1. Consume calcium

Ingesting calcium is essential for the health of our bones. Therefore, calcium-containing products should be integrated into your daily diet.

With a sufficient supply of calcium, you can not only prevent osteoarthritis , but also prevent or at least delay the development of other degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. Incidentally, women have a particularly high risk of developing osteoporosis. If necessary, you should think about using a dietary supplement.

2. Prevent osteoarthritis with fruits and vegetables

Our diet should always be rich in fruits and vegetables in order to supply our bones and our organism in general with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

The foods with the highest vitamin C content include:

  • Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine)
  • strawberry
  • celery
  • carrot
  • Cabbage
  • broccoli
  • paprika
Prevent osteoarthritis with fruits and vegetables

3. Reduce weight

Obesity is currently a very present health problem that also contributes to the cause of osteoarthritis.

Because being overweight can lead to too much pressure being exerted on the knees,  which serve as a support for the body. This can damage the cartilage of the joint.

4. Do sports

Daily exercise is an important part of preventing this type of disease, provided it is done correctly. For example, if you train in a gym,  you should be very careful to maintain good posture so as not to damage your bones and, consequently, your cartilage. 

In addition, you should pay close attention to your steps when jogging and adjust the step spacing according to your weight, if possible. We especially recommend the following sports:

  • Pilates
  • yoga
  • stretching
  • swim
Prevent osteoarthritis through exercise

5. Good posture

Correct posture is essential, especially if you work sitting down all day. Make sure that your desk chair is ergonomically shaped and correct your sitting position if you notice that it is not optimal.

It’s  a good idea to take an active break every hour or fifty minutes and do a few stretching exercises so that you can get back to work better later. If you have poor posture due to work or any exercise or other physical activity, you are contributing to the development of osteoarthritis.

6. Doctor visits

If you experience any signs of pain, it is advisable to see a specialist. This will determine whether you have osteoarthritis. They can also tell you exactly how far the disease has progressed and prescribe appropriate treatment to alleviate the symptoms. After that, you should continue to see your doctor regularly to see how the disease is progressing.

If you have ever suffered a fracture or trauma that has not healed properly, the poor recovery can damage the cartilage directly and lead to osteoarthritis.

7. Strengthening the cartilage

Nowadays there are dietary supplements that help us to strengthen our organism. In this case we recommend taking glucosamine, collagen hydrolyzate and hyaluronic acid. This way, you can nourish and strengthen the cartilage that surrounds the bones in your body.

We have given you some tips on how to prevent osteoarthritis, because the most important thing for good health is a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and good habits. You should also always remember to consult your trusted doctor and seek treatment if you experience any symptoms.


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