5 Tricks For Longer Eyelashes

Natural products are excellent for eyelash care because they are gentle but effective.

5 tricks for longer eyelashes

Beautiful eyelashes form the perfect frame for a meaningful look. That’s why today we’re going to explain 5 tricks for  longer eyelashes that  you can easily implement.

If you want to attract attention to your eyes,  the right attitude must of course be hidden behind it,  aesthetics alone are not enough. Looking good externally can help you become more confident.

However, longer lashes  are also good for your health. As you know,  the job of the eyelashes is to protect your eyes from dust and floating particles.

It is therefore important to take care of your eyelashes, especially at this time when air pollution plays a major role. These natural tricks can help you.

However, if you have eye problems, you should speak to a doctor before using these remedies.

Longer eyelashes by natural means

1. Castor oil

Castor oil will help you get longer lashes.

Castor oil is excellent for treating weakened hair as it  stimulates growth and regeneration. So it’s great for our purposes too.

It also has the advantage of being easy and quick to use: all you have to do is moistencotton ball and rub it over the region.

You can do this every day as it will not harm the body in any way.

2. olive oil

Olive oil is  rich in antioxidants that help you lash longer lashes by stimulating growth.

Just like our first tip, it’s very easy to use:

  • Moisten your fingertips with the oil and apply it to the lash line.
  • You will notice gradual growth and also that the lashes look healthier.
  • It is not a problem to apply the oil during the day, but we recommend doing it before going to bed. This leads to the regeneration process being active all night long.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil will give you longer eyelashes.

Coconut oil has endless uses. The vitamins it contains make it very useful for cosmetic uses as well.

  • It is always good to nourish your lashes properly. This then translates into length and shine.
  • It is used just like the other two oils.

    In the past, this coconut oil was difficult to find, but luckily today it can be found in almost all health food stores and even supermarkets.

    4. Longer eyelashes with chamomile

    Chamomile strengthens the fine hairs and also has antibacterial properties. As mentioned, the eyes often suffer from pollution, chamomile tea can be very useful in this case.

    • You can massage your eyelid with the tea or even do an eye wash.
    • This will  protect you from eye infections and get longer eyelashes.

    5. Egg white

    You can get longer lashes with egg white.

    The great thing about egg whites is the high protein content. Not only does it help you burn fat and gain muscle mass; Protein is also very important for hair.

    In fact, the protein is used in many natural shampoos. Although it is a little more complicated than the other remedies, it is very effective.

    Here’s the  best way to use it:

    • Put the egg whites in a bowl. You don’t have to hit it.
    • Apply it to your lashes with your fingertips, from roots to tips.
    • Wait 10 minutes, then rinse the egg whites off with warm water.
    • Repeat this treatment 3 times a week.

    As you can see, we don’t just love natural products because they can be used at home. They work gently but effectively, and they have no undesirable side effects. 

    However, we recommend that you consult a doctor before using them.

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