5 Effective Teas That Could Relieve Anxiety

If we suffer from an internal pain or a health problem, a specialist should first be consulted to clarify its cause. This is important to avoid potential side effects from these teas

5 effective teas that might relieve anxiety

A large part of the population suffers from fear at some point. This can be a current problem, but anxiety disorders can also become chronic. Then fear shapes our lives, influences how we deal with rights and duties and how we cope with everyday problems.

Depending on how we deal with the internal pressure, we are more or less efficiently able to overcome it.

It takes effort and effort, mental abilities and also the help of outsiders, so that we can find a moment of rest and relaxation.

The teas that we would like to introduce in this article are a little help from the outside.

Today we explain which plants you can use to overcome slight fear, the fear that haunts us all from time to time.

Have you got a piece of paper and a pen ready?

The evening primrose, plant of the woman

You can find this plant in health food stores and pharmacies, often in the form of capsules. With a bit of luck you will also find the evening primrose dried so that you can make a delicious tea from it at home.

  • The evening primrose is ideal for allaying mild anxiety. The essential fatty acids it contains regulate certain processes in the central nervous system.
  • At the same time, the evening primrose promotes healthy digestion, which is a positive side effect with anxiety disorders, because nervousness and fear often hit our stomachs, leading to diarrhea or constipation. So the evening primrose has a double effect.
  • Another advantage of the evening primrose is that it stimulates the elimination of metabolic end products and toxins and thus helps to purify the body.


    • 3 tbsp dried evening primrose (30 g)
    • 1 liter of water
    • 1 tbsp honey (25 g)


    • It’s very easy. Make a tea from the dried evening primrose and the liter of water. Let the plant parts boil in the water for 15 to 20 minutes and then steep for another ten minutes.
    • Sweeten the tea with honey and drink four cups a day : the first cup with breakfast, another after the main meal of the day, the next in the afternoon and finally one after dinner.

    The benefits of St. John’s wort

    Johannis herbs

    St. John’s wort is a plant that has been used against anxiety and depression since ancient times. It is highly valued in alternative medicine because its effect has been proven in numerous studies. It even works against winter depression.

    • St. John’s wort is indicated for insomnia.
    • The plant relieves the symptoms of the premenstrual symptom and also those that accompany menopause.
    • Extracts of the plant can be consumed as an essential oil or in the form of capsules. They are available in health food stores and pharmacies under the name Hypericin. 200 to 300 mg of St. John’s wort per day are recommended.
    • There are also tea bags on the market, with which we can easily prepare our remedies at home. We recommend drinking two cups of tea a day and watching how they work.

    An infallible combination: lemon balm and lavender


    The smell of this tea is just as pleasantly mild as its taste. The simple yet effective combination of lemon balm and lavender helps us alleviate anxiety and treat palpitations and nervousness. This is how we improve our state of mind.

    • The combination is indicated for mild to moderate anxiety. It is also able to improve the quality of our sleep and therefore helps to give the body the rest it needs.
    • The plants have a calming, relaxing effect. Melissa is also used for headaches.


    • 1 tbsp lemon balm (5 g)
    • one tbsp lavender (5 g)
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • You can find both plants ready-to-use in every health food store and in a well-stocked drugstore. Use a pot made of porcelain or clay to prepare the tea, because metal vessels react with the essential oils and thus change the properties of the tea.
    • Once you’ve brought the water to a boil, add lemon balm and lavender. Let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
    • We recommend consuming two cups a day, between meals.

    The white willow, a good remedy for anxiety

    The white willow was already known to the ancient Greeks as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. It works very quickly and can therefore be used for acute problems such as headaches, stomach pains and tiredness.

    • Its effects are similar to that of aspirin. In addition, the white willow has a calming effect, which supports the treatment of anxiety.
    • White willow can be found in the form of capsules or tea bags in health food stores and pharmacies.
    • You can take it whenever you feel the pressure inside you rising, or prophylactically, in the form of two cups of tea a day.
    • White willow reduces the aggregation of blood platelets, so it has an anticoagulant effect . If you have problems with your cardiovascular system, such as a heart attack, talk to your doctor before using this remedy.

    With the passion flower against fear

    Passion flower

    The use of passion flower to treat anxiety disorders is also not new. It is commercially available in a variety of ways, as an extract, in the form of capsules or tea bags, in health food stores and pharmacies.

    The plant originally comes from the southwest of North America and is suitable for treating nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. Its consumption is particularly recommended for people who are often very nervous and always restless.

    To counteract mild to moderate anxiety, we recommend the following dosage:

    • Tea from a teaspoon of passionflower (2.5 g) to a glass of water (200 ml). Three cups of it daily.
    • Liquid extracts: 10 to 30 drops three times a day.
    • Tinctures: 10 to 60 drops three times a day.

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