4 Winter Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Although these foods can help you lose weight, you generally need to eat a varied, balanced diet and get enough exercise to achieve the results you want !

4 winter foods to help you lose weight

A healthy weight is not just a question of beauty, it is also fundamental for a good quality of life. Because being overweight increases the risk of certain diseases and ailments. So today we recommend various  winter foods that  can help you lose weight.

In winter, many often pay less attention to their figure. In addition  , many typical winter dishes tend to contain more fat and calories. But there are also numerous ways to eat healthy and figure-hugging in winter to lose weight.

We have four tips for you today. Read on to learn more about it.

Winter foods to help you lose weight

1. Dried fruits and nuts

winter foods: dried fruits

Dried fruits are high in calories, so many think that they have no place in a weight loss diet. But this is a mistake. They provide energy that is necessary to maintain the body temperature. 

They also contain healthy fatty acids that work against high cholesterol levels. In addition, they are also characterized by antioxidants and phytosterols, which are important to avoid diseases or complaints associated with being overweight. These include, for example, heart disease, high cholesterol levels, etc.

Dried fruits also provide valuable vitamins and minerals. You shouldn’t overeat, however, because you want to lose weight after all. A handful (50 g) daily is enough to get all of the benefits. It is best to consume the dried fruits before sporting activities.

2. Oats

winter foods: oats

A hot oat breakfast is perfect in winter for raising body temperature while losing weight. Oats have a very filling effect,  which is also beneficial.

Various studies also show that breakfast with oatmeal causes you to eat less during the day afterwards. As a result, it is easier to lose weight with it.

Oats also provide zinc, phosphorus, fiber and vitamin B1. But that’s not all: This grain also promotes a healthy intestinal flora and thus supports the digestive process.

In addition, oats are characterized by prebiotic fiber, which has a  positive effect on fat storage. 

 3. Green tea

winter food: green tea

Green tea is an excellent way to start a cold winter day. It has many health benefits. Among other things, this delicious hot drink has a diuretic effect and should therefore not be missing in any weight loss diet.

A cup of green tea also suppresses the appetite!

  • Green tea provides  valuable antioxidants, especially catechins. At the same time, it contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect. These two ingredients stimulate the metabolism and promote lipolysis. This means that fat deposits are broken down more easily.
  • So this delicious tea helps you lose weight, even if of course other measures are fundamental to actually achieve your goal.

In addition, green tea has other beneficial effects on the body. For example, it can reduce pain during training.

4. Winter foods: pomegranate

Winter food: pomegranate

This delicious, deep red fruit is in season in winter. It is characterized by very advantageous properties, but is unfortunately used far too seldom by most.

Pomegranates have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They are also rich in minerals (phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium) that prevent colds in winter.

  • This winter fruit consists of around 85% water and has a very filling effect.
  • It contains only a few calories, around 68 per 100 g.

You can use pomegranate seeds in salads or mix them with oatmeal. They taste great!

As you can see, it’s easy to incorporate winter foods into your diet that will help you lose weight. They provide essential nutrients and have a variety of health benefits, while also helping you lose weight or maintain your weight. 

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